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21 Courses

2324-5-Ecology and Environmental Sciences-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: IKMANDA NUGRAHATeacher: Lilit Rusyati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

2324-5-Ecology and Environmental Sciences-A

This course is the necessary one in undergraduate science education. Ecology as a science and scientific method used by ecologist. In what part of ecology that ecology has strong ties to other sciences. Environmental science need ecology; examples of environmental problems that need ecological concepts.

2324-3-Assessment in Science-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Lilit Rusyati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

2324-3-Assessment in Science-A

Assessment in science is aimed to give students basic ability in planning assessment in science instruction and as research instrument. This course lay basic knowledge in mastering assessment objective and function; assessment roll in teaching-learning processes type and procedure of assessment; planning, conducting and analyzing test items (conceptual and science process skills); performance assessment ( lab work assessment) and classroom based assessment. Discussion and expository approach is used within the course, as well as assignment (individually, in group) and group result presentations. Their competence is assessed through formative assessment and variety of tests and product of assignment, presentation and discussion.

2425-3-Analytical Chemistry-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: eliyawati eliyawatiTeacher: Riana NurismawatiStudent: Fauzan AhmadStudent: Husna Alifah MuthmainnahStudent: Siska Amelia RahmatStudent: Widya Angreati br SiahaanStudent: Natasya Awlya RamadhaniStudent: Bulan Praharsini BulanStudent: Tri FidyaningsihStudent: Annisa FitrianiStudent: Annisa Nur FitriyaniStudent: Melvin Monica GuloStudent: Nadhira KhoirunisaStudent: Riska KomaraStudent: Tria LizaStudent: DINA MAHARANI YONITHA RAMADHANIStudent: Vini MeliawatiStudent: nazwa aulia fitriyani nazwaStudent: Nazwa Nur FatimahStudent: Phasya Phasya Aulia SyafiraStudent: Alfina RaharjengStudent: Arlen Rahmagifta RamadhaniaStudent: Indria RahmawatiStudent: Indira RasyidinStudent: Sella RevalinaStudent: Devi Salsabila Nur HasanahStudent: Nurhasanah SeptianaStudent: Arinda Silvi UtamiStudent: Firda Nurul Fitriyani SuyatnaStudent: NOVIA NAJWA WAHYUDINStudent: Fairuzzahwa Fatimah Nurdini Zahwa

2425-3-Analytical Chemistry-A

This course is a concentration competency course in undergraduate science education. It is the basic of knowledge and pedagogical aspects of chemistry at school, so it is also functions as a supporting course for expertise course group at science education program. After attended this course, it is expected that the student can have the better understand to the basic concept of chemical analysis, both of conventional and modern analysis, which is needed to support student competencies as a science teacher. Course subject consist of Analytical chemistry as a part of chemistry, steps in chemical analysis, qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis (titrimetric and gravimetric analysis), spectrometric analysis, separation methods in analytical chemistry.  The course will be arranged using Problem Based learning. Student ask to search the litelature related to subject, then discuss it in the class meeting. The students achievement checked by mid-semester test and final-semester test, individual and group task and presentation.

2324-1-Fundamentals of Biology-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Lilit Rusyati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

2324-1-Fundamentals of Biology-A

This course emphasizes an understanding of essential (Fundamental/basic) biological concepts with emphasis on function in and relevance to humans daily life. Topics include basic scientific methods, the cell, inheritance, biodiversity, organism structure and function, evolution, ecology and behavior, and ecosystem. The aim of this course is to introduce many of these concepts, thereby providing the foundation for further studies in more specialist courses. Topics to be covered include the chemicals of life, macromolecules, the role of nucleic acids in genetic information transfer, protein synthesis, lipid membranes and the structure of cells, storage and utilisation of energy, meiosis and mitosis.

2223-7-Basic Technology Education-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Dr. Eka Cahya PrimaStudent: 2003578 Assyifa Ilma MaharaniStudent: 2000210 Nadira Nurul DiniyahStudent: 2005971 Anidya Diva NurayshaStudent: 2004981 Nurjannah Hanum Mahmudah SiagianStudent: 2001640 Rahma Nur LailaStudent: 2005580 Rofi Wafa FadillahStudent: 2004111 Tesa Ihutmarito Ambarita

2223-7-Basic Technology Education-A

Basic Technology Education (BTE) is the study about technology as well as influence on the individual, the community, the environment, and the process of culture by acknowledging the potential for the student's individual to develop the reasoning capacity, the solution to the problem, creativity to design and explained it with various equipment and material. Basic Technology Education makes the content of technology and the experience that contribute to the growth and the development of humankind. The objectives of this course are knowing and adapting the importance of technology, use the equipment, material, the process and the concepts of technology safely. The method that will be used by the lecture is problem solving and the system approach through discussions in the group and class. The assignments for student are making paper about the study of technology as well as the technological product that will be presented in front of the class as well as discussed.

2223-3-Electricity and Magnetism
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Dr. Eka Cahya PrimaStudent: Anugrah AfiatStudent: 2200108 Amira Qurrota ‘AyunStudent: 2201235 Anugrah Puspa Inda PratiwiStudent: 2201917 CindrianadindaStudent: 2202442 Dzira Amara RahmanStudent: 2209013 Elia NurfadilaStudent: 2204531 Famelia Indriani YuniarStudent: 2203206 Ghena Akmalia InsaniStudent: 2207155 Hanum Rachma PutriStudent: 2202237 Hilmy ZahraniStudent: KHAIRUN KHAIRUN NISA'A LUKMANStudent: 2206301 Layla Oktavia WidodoStudent: 2204992 Milah Nur HamidahStudent: 2209382 Nady Artan DestantoStudent: 2202118 Nayla Ayu FitrianiStudent: 2201170 Nayla Rizki QamarinaStudent: 2200332 Rifani Sri MaharaniStudent: 2209785 Safina Wulan Diaz Rahminia AsfiaStudent: 2200587 Putri Setia NingrumStudent: 2207234 Shelli AfriyantiStudent: 2207309 Vanessa Audrey ErlambangStudent: 2200490 Venus Zauhair AmruStudent: 2201034 Widya Sari RohmawatiStudent: 2203245 Zahra Fitriana Nurhayati

2223-3-Electricity and Magnetism

This compulsory course is an introduction to electricity and magnetism especially for prospective teachers on science education. By analyzing the science curricula in secondary school, this course will be expected to prepare the prospective teacher to be able to conduct the topic of electricity and magnetism at school. The course content consists of Dynamic Electricity (Direct Current, Alternating Current), Static Electricity, Magnetic Fields and Induction, and the Applications of Electricity and Magnetism. The subject is conducted interactively through experiment, speech, discussion, and exercising. The instrument evaluations are Homework, Poster and Science Project, Mid term, and Final term.

2022-Sem4-Teaching Preparation-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Dr. Eka Cahya PrimaStudent: 2000097 Adinda Zaskia Yasmin MuntazStudent: 2004548 Aina Salsabila MuamarStudent: 2006258 Alnafa I'anatul MaulaStudent: 2003578 Assyifa Ilma MaharaniStudent: 2005904 Denissa Fadilla Nurul AzmiStudent: 2003894 Fitriyyatul MuslihahStudent: 2000184 Ghevira Syaharani Aulia MuharamStudent: 2009135 Irma Dwi SaputriStudent: 2003978 Jihan Reihana NurfadhilaStudent: 2001525 Luthfiyah Azzahra KurniawanStudent: 2002880 Mediana Fauziah UlfiStudent: 2004459 Muji Pangesti PrihandiniStudent: 2000210 Nadira Nurul DiniyahStudent: 2005654 Salsabila Nazwa AyatillahStudent: 2003033 Nisrina Arsyi SukmatariStudent: 2005971 Anidya Diva NurayshaStudent: 2004981 Nurjannah Hanum Mahmudah SiagianStudent: 2000189 Pramudita Aisya RakhmatStudent: 2001640 Rahma Nur LailaStudent: 2000872 Reihan Inezia NaevaStudent: 2005580 Rofi Wafa FadillahStudent: 2004440 Nindyra Juliana RudiyantoStudent: 2007152 Saila Adni Laila Azzahrah PurbaStudent: 2005642 Salma Kaisan SyauqiStudent: 2003493 Syifa NuriyahStudent: 2004111 Tesa Ihutmarito AmbaritaStudent: 2003579 Winata Tegar SaputraStudent: Yanty WirzaStudent: 2003059 Yusika Vianda

2022-Sem4-Teaching Preparation-A

Teaching preparation is an important course of becoming a pre-service science teacher. It provides the students with experience in composing the syllabi, lesson plan, media, worksheet, and assessment for science teaching. During teaching preparation, the students get the opportunity can try the art of teaching before actually getting into the teaching practice in the next semester. The students are encouraged to analyze both secondary schools’science curriculum and Indonesian curriculum as contents for developing lesson plans applying appropriate, teaching approaches and strategies. Lecturer’s and peers’ feedback will accomplish the students teaching competencies after a set of teaching performances.

2021-Sem5-Modern Physics-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Dr. Eka Cahya PrimaStudent: 1908824 'Athoillah Rohatul 'AsyiiryStudent: 1807693 Agnya Yasmin AgamiStudent: 1901183Dea Puspha AnnisaStudent: 1909723 Arnie Novianti ZStudent: 1905197 Dicky Azi NugrahaStudent: 1802162 Mufti Muhammad HamzahStudent: 1907972 Rizki Maulana Ashidiq

2021-Sem5-Modern Physics-A

Modern physics is the optional study about post-Newtonian conception of physics underlying structure of the smallest particles in nature (quantum mechanics), as well as a rigorous understanding of the solid state physics and its application. The objectives of this course are to apply modern physics concept in nanotechnology through mini research. The methods used are lecturing, presentation, laboratory activity, paper review, and project based learning. The assignments for student are paper review, research paper, homework, and laboratory report.

2021-Sem3-Teaching Media and ICT Literacy-A
Semester Ganjil
Preview Course

Teacher: Lilit Rusyati, S.Pd., M.Pd.Student: 2000097 Adinda Zaskia Yasmin MuntazStudent: 2004548 Aina Salsabila MuamarStudent: 2006258 Alnafa I'anatul MaulaStudent: 2003578 Assyifa Ilma MaharaniStudent: 2005904 Denissa Fadilla Nurul AzmiStudent: 2003894 Fitriyyatul MuslihahStudent: 2000184 Ghevira Syaharani Aulia MuharamStudent: 2009135 Irma Dwi SaputriStudent: 2003978 Jihan Reihana NurfadhilaStudent: 2001525 Luthfiyah Azzahra KurniawanStudent: 2002880 Mediana Fauziah UlfiStudent: 2004459 Muji Pangesti PrihandiniStudent: 2000210 Nadira Nurul DiniyahStudent: 2005654 Salsabila Nazwa AyatillahStudent: 2003033 Nisrina Arsyi SukmatariStudent: 2005971 Anidya Diva NurayshaStudent: 2004981 Nurjannah Hanum Mahmudah SiagianStudent: 2000189 Pramudita Aisya RakhmatStudent: 2001640 Rahma Nur LailaStudent: 2000872 Reihan Inezia NaevaStudent: 2005580 Rofi Wafa FadillahStudent: 2004440 Nindyra Juliana RudiyantoStudent: 2007152 Saila Adni Laila Azzahrah PurbaStudent: 2005642 Salma Kaisan SyauqiStudent: 2003493 Syifa NuriyahStudent: 2004111 Tesa Ihutmarito AmbaritaStudent: 2003579 Winata Tegar SaputraStudent: 2003059 Yusika Vianda

2021-Sem3-Teaching Media and ICT Literacy-A

Teaching media and ICT Literacy : focus on how student have understanding and skill to make teaching media related to and based on subject matter. Therefore student have to have knowledge about the description of meaning of teaching media, explain various art of teaching media, have skill how to make teaching media based on and developed from teaching material, and have knowledge about computer and multimedia.